
Ilona Nord | Judith Petzke (eds.), Religionsdidaktik. Diversitätsorientiert und Digital, Cornelsen Verlag GmbH, Berlin 2023.
Religion didactics diversity-oriented and digital: This orientation catches up for the school subject religion the effects of two major social transformation processes that challenge didactics. Admittedly, they are not new; for almost two decades, both have always been discussed in the subject, albeit in mostly separate discourses. Even before the Covid 19 pandemic, the insight of their joint treatment was considered important. Long ago, the importance of both has become unmistakable in everyday teaching. Their reflection here is intended to highlight potentials and ambivalences for the didactics of religion and provide them for study and teacher training as well as school practice.
More information on the website of the publisher here.

Ilona Nord | Thomas Schlag (Hg.), Wer hat die Autorität?, Leipzig 2023.
Protestant Church in the Dynamics of New Forms of Institutionalization. Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Practical Theological Assessments.

Kristin Merle | Ilona Nord (Hg.), Mediatisierung religiöser Kultur, Leipzig 2022.
The processes of digitalization currently taking place are influencing the most diverse areas of life and social life as a comprehensive cultural change. The volume, which is strong in terms of scope and quality, asks what significance these transformations have for religion and religiosity and what desiderata for reflection arise against this background for practical theology as a scientific discipline. The contributions published here were mainly written in the context of an interdisciplinary discussion that lasted several years. They address fundamental theoretical questions as well as aspects related to discipline and field of action, for example, in homiletic, poimenic, church-theoretical and religious education interest.

Wolfgang Beck | Ilona Nord | Joachim Valentin (Hrsg.), Theologie und Digitalität Ein Kompendium, Leipzig 2021.
The digital transformation is almost incomprehensible in its dynamics and consequences. It is also having a massive impact on the church and theology. The contributions to this comprehensive compendium explore its various facets and offer an insightful overview: the culture of digitality, the theological-anthropological dimension, the ecclesial dimension, the speech of God, and media-ethical classifications.

Ilona Nord | Thomas Schlag (Hrsg.), Die Kirchen und der Populismus. Interdisziplinäre Recherchen in Gesellschaft, Religion, Medien und Politik, Leipzig 2020.
Is religion a "protective factor" against or a "gateway" for populism? What role do Christian churches play within the increased acceptance of populist movements in society? These core questions are examined from the perspectives of sociology and political science, journalism and communication studies, as well as ethics, practical theology and church history.
The volume is the result of a cooperative conference of the Practical Theology Section of the Scientific Society for Theology with the Conference of German-speaking Pastoral Theologians and the Schader Foundation in professional collaboration with the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK), the working group "Politics and Religion" of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), the Sociology of Religion Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS), and the German Society for Social Work (DGSA).

Andrea Bieler (Hrsg.) | Isolde Karle (Hrsg.) | HyeRan Kim-Cragg (Hrsg.) | Ilona Nord (Hrsg.), Religion and Migration: Negotiating Hospitality, Agency and Vulnerability (Englisch), Leipzig 2019.
This volume explores religious discourses and practices that address hospitality in the context of migration. Potentials that point toward greater justice and social connectedness are identified, as well as ambivalences and contradictions.
The book presents contributions that reflect various national, confessional, cultural, and ethnic contexts. In doing so, the problematic as well as the promising dimensions of the dichotomy of being a guest and being a host, implied by the focus on hospitality especially in Christianity, come into view. The question of the connection between the vulnerability and agency of migrants is examined from empirical, theological, sociological, and anthropological perspectives.
With contributions by Andrea Bieler, Jione Havea, Claudia Hoffmann, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Claudia Jahnel, Isolde Karle, Buhle Mpofu, Ilona Nord, Henrietta Nyamnjoh, Regina Polak, Ludger Pries, Thomas Reynolds, Harsha Walia and Jula Well.
Ilona Nord, Fest des Glaubens oder Folklore? Praktisch-theologische Erkundungen zur kirchlichen Trauung, Stuttgart 2017.
The church wedding is a celebration of faith and folklore: historically grown and today part of a diverse wedding culture. This challenges theology and the church to find communicative ways of encountering love and its ways of life. This involves an examination of the content of what the wedding ceremony can mean for Christian religiosity, but also forms of appropriate worship. Media play a role as well as the question of an inclusive cassual theory.
The book is aimed at students of theology as well as pastors.
For more information, a reading sample, or to view the table of contents, visit the Publisher's page.
Ilona Nord | Thomas Schlag (Hrsg.), Renaissance religiöser Wahrheit. Thematisierungen und Deutungen in praktisch-theologischer Perspektive, Leipzig 2017.
The topic of religious truth has hardly been dealt with explicitly within practical theology in the past decades, although theological work is always interwoven with the question of truth and connected with implicit claims to validity. At the same time, current developments in religious politics make the problems and dramatic consequences of unilinear truth claims abundantly clear. An increased self-understanding about the normative orientations of one's own theorizing and public interpretive power is therefore as meaningful as it is necessary for practical theology. For this purpose, other perspectives of interpretation are of great opening power: For example, in literature, art, and digital media, intensive search movements for religious truth are taking place.
In this volume, current interpretations of religious truth are reflected on an interdisciplinary basis and discussed in terms of their significance for individual fields of communication and action in practical theology, such as education, pastoral care, and preaching.
Further information can be found on the Homepage of the publisher.
Ilona Nord | Hanna Zipernovsky (eds.), Religious Education in a Mediatized World, Stuttgart 2017.
In religious education, digitization and mediatization processes result in the transformation of conventional media formats. This leads to the development of new media formats, which in turn necessitates a redefinition of the relationship between religious education and the media. Keeping this in mind, this volume first examines the importance of media for specific theological disciplines, and then discusses current media-pedagogical and media-didactic approaches. Later in the book, the authors develop didactic perspectives on various methods; these include internet-based archive work and the use of digital teaching materials. They also deal with current questions regarding religious education, such as inclusion and cyber bullying, etc. Finally, they identify some of the main didactic challenges for religious instruction in a mediatized world.
This volume is a plea for a wider understanding of education, and is based in part on a German-Swedish teaching and research cooperation. Following this example, it focuses on a future-oriented networking of plural forms of education. This resource is designed for students of theology and religious sciences as well as for religious education teachers.
For further informations, please visit the website of the Kohlhammer-Verlag.
Thomas Klie | Ilona Nord (Hrsg.), Tod und Trauer im Netz, Mediale Kommunikationen in der Bestattungskultur, Stuttgart 2016.
For some time now, people have been burying and mourning in cyberspace. As funeral culture changes and differentiates itself, it also occupies the modern media of representation as a matter of course. Computer-mediated communications open up new ways of visualizing the handling of death and mourning. Simulacra of the funeral, images of sympathy and the public visualization of mourning processes are not only to be located in the virtual world, but they also determine the bodily perceptible realities of mourners.
The aim of this volume is to discuss the ways in which death, farewell processes, and funeral rituals are visualized in cyberspace in an interdisciplinary manner and to bring the perspectives of cultural and image theory into conversation with a practical theology that is sensitive to culture.
For further information please visit the Homepage of the publisher.
Ilona Nord (Hrsg.), Inklusion im Studium Evangelische Theologie. Grundlagen und Perspektiven mit einem Schwerpunkt im Bereich von Sinnesbehinderungen, Leipzig 2015.
To address inclusion in the study of Protestant theology means, following the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006/2008), to reflect on the conditions, contents and goals of the study of Protestant theology in the horizon of this program concept. The focus is on the area of so-called sensory disabilities. Visually impaired and blind as well as hearing impaired and deaf students of Protestant Theology are the cooperation partners in the empirical research project to which this book publication refers as a launch publication.
It first documents contributions of subject representatives of practical theology/religious education and the so-called pedagogy of the disabled as well as of professional associations. The term inclusion is retained as a programmatic expression, but there is also a critical examination of it. The German-language discussion will be enriched with contributions from Sweden, Switzerland and South Africa.
For further information please visit the homepage of the publisher.