Supervised doctorates
Project management: RELab digital – Religious Education Laboratory – Project on Teaching and Learning in a digitalized world
Project: Connected Teacher Education (CoTeach) – VR apps for personalizable teaching-learning scenarios in (interfaith) blessing spaces.
Research assistant at the Chair of Protestant Theology, University of Würzburg
Dissertation: Mediatized worlds of mourning and burial in the changing cemetery culture (preliminary working title).
Research Assistant at the Chair of Protestant Theology, University of Würzburg.
Dissertation title: Religion and digital media. An Explorative Empirical Study of Teachers' Perspectives on Media Education in Ethics and (Protestant, Catholic, and Islamic) Religious Education.

The first joint doctoral colloquium of the Chair of Religious Education with the Chair of Psychological Ergonomics took place on February 18, 2020 at Wittelsbacherplatz.
Prof. Dr. Jörn Hurtienne, Prof. Dr. Ilona Nord and the SCIAS Fellow Prof. Dr. Charles Ess from the University of Oslo/Norway discussed with the PhD students Oliver Adam, Swantje Luthe, Nina Döllinger and Daniel Reinhard.